What are DIDs?
Learn about how Decentralised Identifiers function.
Last updated
Learn about how Decentralised Identifiers function.
Last updated
In order to explain the concept of DIDs, we have put together a simple explanation using an analogy of a car and its license plate.
More more of a detailed and deeper understanding, we suggest starting with these external resources.
For creating DIDs on cheqd, you can get started using our identity documentation below.
DID Core Spec
Dive into the W3C DID Core Recommendation to fully grasp the power of DIDs.
DID Resolution Spec
Learn about how DIDs can be resolved or dereferenced from the W3C DID Resolution Spec.
DID Spec Registries
Explore the different DID methods registered within the DID Spec Registries.
cheqd DID Method
Learn specifically about cheqd's DID Method and how it works on the cheqd Network.
Create DIDs
Create an Issuer DID using the did:cheqd DID method.